Saying Hello To Autumn 

While so many people tend to lust for the long, hot days summer can bring (a rare occurance if you’re a Brit like me…), I’m one of those people that can’t wait to pack away the shorts and bring out the tights and scarves.

Nothing brings me more joy than seeing the leaves turning browner, daylight hours becoming shorter, and my layers of clothing getting thicker! So, as you can imagine, I am more than ready to bring out the cable knits and embrace Autumn wholeheartedly.

One thing I love doing in the more Autumnal months is exploring new places, whether that be a quaint village, a picturesque park or (my personal favourite) a good stately home.

I’m a total grandma, I know.

I woke up on the second day of September feeling sufficiently Autumnal, so myself and my parents got in the car and headed off to Chatsworth House – if you can even call it a house – that some of you may recognise if you’ve seen Pride and Prejudice, Death Comes to Pemberlu and The Duchess. A definite place to visit if you’re a period drama lover!

I got a bit snap happy during my time there, but I’m really quite glad with how they came out and thought they would be nice to share here!

Me inwardly fangirling about Pride and Prejudice
The entrance hall of the house – not too shabby
A proper view of just a small part of the garden
A last shot of the house as I was leaving

Those are just a few of my favourites, and looking at them is making me want to go back already!

Here’s to a good Autumn!